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 Abhishek Hariharan (CC ’22) is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of CULR for 2021. He is from South River, New Jersey, and is currently pursuing a major in Financial Economics. Abhishek has been part of CULR since the summer of 2018 and has been a Co-Executive Editor of the Online Division (2020), an Online Editor, an Online Writer, and a Roundtable Contributor. In the future, Abhishek hopes to go to law school and explore his interests of international, constitutional, and corporate law. Contact him at ah3623@columbia.edu.

Articles Written

“Implications of Lochner v. New York”

“UNCLOS and the South China Sea Crisis: How Maritime Law Is Being Ignored”

“Shelby County v. Holder: Implications of a Weakened Voting Rights Act”

Roundtables Contributed To:

The History of Executive Power and Its Modern Uses

The Affordable Care Act: Implementation, Challenges, and its Future

Articles Edited

“The 2019 Hong Kong Extradition Bill: Eroding Domestic Autonomy?” written by Karen Cheng

“Timbs v. Indiana: A New Precedent on Civil Forfeiture” written by Lorenzo Thomas Garcia

“Disparate Impact Reinterpreted: Fair Housing Under Threat” written by David Jung

“Whose Stairway? Led Zeppelin Copyright Case Returns to Ninth Circuit,” written by Angela Ye