Posts tagged Technology
Heroes or Criminals: The Legality of American Volunteers in the Russo-Ukrainian War

With the outbreak of hostilities in the Russo-Ukrainian War, the arrival and participation of foreign volunteer fighters has been one of the defining characteristics of the conflict. According to a March 2022 statement by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dymetro Kuleba, over 20,000 volunteers have joined the Ukrainian armed forces, of which an estimated several thousand are American citizens. [1] Despite the uncertainty about precise numbers, it is important to consider the legality under U.S. law of U.S. citizens volunteering in foreign nations. Throughout the two and a half centuries during which American volunteers have participated in foreign wars, there have been a series of acts by Congress and rulings by the Courts on the legality of such participation.

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The New Public Square of Opinions: Technocratic Giants and Public Utilities

Following a series of state-led cases against technocratic giants, Ohio attorney general David Yost attempted another path to regulation through a 2021 lawsuit demanding that Google be declared a public utility and Google Search become a public utility in the state of Ohio. Such a lawsuit, if successful, would subsequently place Google under the supervision of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). Public utilities are generally defined as private and public entities that provide essential service to the public, most often in association with energy and telecommunication establishments.

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